Wednesday, November 28, 2007


And the winner of the first heat, with 45 votes, is no. 1, "Heidi telling a story".
Heat two follows shortly !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a shame we can only vote for one. I would love to know the story being told(1), imagine sitting by that roaring open fire(3) listening with Alex on your knee eating his food(8). We could make a party of it and invite the Phalene and his friend and there is it or isn't it a real orange bug(2)? Then we could have the entertainment, the dog who gets his human to do tricks with the ball just by touching there hand with a paw(7). But then you always have the one who has there heart on show(4) for all to see and with Calum and partner(6) on the look out for the big blue taxi and driver(5) thats when we know the party for now has come to a close. Till next time xxx