PAPILLON CLUB OF SCOTLAND : Open show 27th November 2005
I was delighted to be invited to judge the Club show and was thrilled with the entry of 92 dogs, with only 10 absentees. I think the quality of Scottish dogs is excellent, and I had many beautiful dogs and bitches of lovely type. I thoroughly enjoyed my day. My thanks to Gladys Baillie for her unobtrusive stewarding and also to her young helper, Neil Leiper.
Veteran: (10)
All present and what a class to start off the day! Lots of old favourites here. It was a privilege to see them all. I was spoilt for choice. Many thanks for bringing them all under me.
1. Hill’s Corralyn Tartan Toorie. At almost 9 years he looked stunning and showed like the real trooper he is. Such a shame he never got his title. Full of real breed type and just what I look for in a Pap. 100% sound, in terrific condition. A real star turn.
2. McGregor’s Pyatshaw White Heat. At 8 years old, in great form, never put a foot out of place, so sound in every respect, a joy to go over. A lovely type of dog, a credit to his owner.
3. McDonald’s Longcrags Sassie Dancer, another old favourite of mine.
MPD (3) All present.
1. Whitehill’s Frasermar Jack Frost. 8 months tri, very attractive little dog, typey head, lovely mouth, nice size for age, good body, sound overall, very attentive to handler, an easy winner here. Covered the ground daintily and with drive.
2.Comrie-Bryant’s Frasermar Snowdrift, litter brother to 1st , a bit narrow all through. Showed O.K.
3. Moir’s Lordenbyn Macadamian King.
PD (5) All present
1.Leiper’s Amicae Hide and Seek. 10 months tri, he is extremely eye-catching, despite a smudge on his muzzle. A lovely overall picture, free mover, well-coated, fringes coming on, well handled.
2. Joyce’s Calajoy Robbie MacFluff, bigger than 1, well-marked, sound throughout , lovely head. Well placed ears. Moved well.
3. Skelton’s Pamhurst Whisper at Adnamashan
JD (3) All present.
1. Finlayson’s Sharjoy Regency Buck. 17 months tri, smallish type, handler needs to slow him down a little as he can be erratic at times. Nevertheless a smart little chap.
Lovely head. Good fine, silky coat.
2. Fraser’s Abbeyton Sunshine Boy. 13 months and on the larger side but fine-boned nevertheless. Smart appearance. And expressive head and ears. Sound overall, covers the ground with ease.
3.Taylor’s Pamhurst He’s a Star
MD(3) All present.
1.Carson’s Northlyte That’; Ma Lot, reserve in PD. Nice type. Won easily here on overall soundness.
2.Bruce& Bruce-Jackson’s Tijuana Superman. 11 months. Certainly enough of him for me. Needs training.
3. Lordenbyn Macadamian King
ND (2) All present
1. Cochrane’s Tutyak Willie Wonka. 15 months, of smaller type, very typey head, nice level top, sound enough but can be erratic when moved too fast. Nice silky coat.
2. Pamhurst He’s a Star
PGD (6) All present.
1.Skelton’s Adnamashan Kiss’n’Tell. 19 months. Correct size in my opinion. Lovely shaped head with good fringing for age, good reach of neck, level top, good long tail with excellent plume + carriage. Covers the ground well with dainty action, attentive at all times. Best Dog and RBIS.
2. Finlayson’s Sharjoy Dream of Destiny. 2 years, more mature than1. Lovely head, good ear placement but not the expressive head of 1. Again can be erratic on the move. In good condition.
3.Patrick’s Volpecula Vanity’s Mirror
LD(6, 1 abs).
1.Bruce & Bruce-Jackson’s Macstrak Classic Jazz. 2 and half years, nice size, typical head with good stop. Dark eye. Fine boned. Overall lovely type of dog who won here on his being 100% sound. Fairly strode round the ring as if he owned it. Res.Best Dog.
2.Patrick’s Volpecula Art Deco. A truly magnificent head piece with stunning expressive eyes and ears. Of smaller type than 1. Good reach of neck flowing in to level topline, good tail set. Front movement let him down unfortunately as I thought him an easy winner here.
3. Taylor’s Northlyte Star Appeal for Pamhurst
OD(5, 1abs)
1.Savage’s Abbeyton Silver Rain Sh.CM. 6 years and in terrific form. In excellent condition, lovely silky coat, just enough reach of neck to make him look elegant. Showed well at all times. Moved with great deportment.
2.Macgregor’s Pyatshaw White Heat (2nd Veteran)
3. Smith’s Mr.Percival of Adinaken.
MPB(3) All present.
1.Patrick’s Frasermar Snowbird Volpecula, litter sister to MPD & PD winners. Of beautiful type, such an expressive head, super ear fringing for a baby, she is a showgirl extrordinaire! Super sound, she is fine and dainty all through. She was my BPIS, beating off strong competition.
2.Joyce’s Calajoy April Promise, another very pretty puppy, good ear placement, nice mouth, unlucky to meet the star baby of the Show.
3.Ayris Ibstock Mark of Mystique
PB(7) All present
1.Skelton’s Careless Whisper at Adnamashan. Quite mature for her age, good sound type of bitch, I hesitate to say a more handsome type but a useful bitch, sound in every way.
2.Gray’s Gennasus Make Believe. Very fine throughout, showed well.Very sound, nice typey head, silky coat.
3.Joyce’s Calajoy Ebony As Winter
JB (7, 2abs).
1. Cochrane’s Tijuana Victoria, my star of the day! Just days out of puppy, she is pure elegance personified. Of smaller type but beautifully packaged. I could not fault her in any way. She put herself on show and presented a stunning picture. She flowed round the ring as if she owned it and I could find nothing to touch her for type, soundness and overall balance. BIS. Must have a promising career. I shall watch with great interest. Congratulations.
2. Savage’s Abbeyton Summer Sun. again just out of puppy. A nice type, in lovely bloom, sound throughout, good finish for age, good body.
3.Davidson’s Longcrags Past and Present
MB 1. Lees’ Raceburns Sweet Breeze, unplaced in PB
NB (3) All present .
1. Taylor’s Pamhurst Little Devil. 3 years ultra feminine, excellent fringing, sound but a little narrow throughout.
2. Bruce & Bruce-Jackson’s Tijuana Touch of Luck, of lovely type but not enjoying her time in the ring at all.
3. Longcrags Past and Present
PGB (8, 2 abs)
1. Taylor’s Pamhurst Lucky Devil , litter sister to the NB winner, very lightly marked but glamorous with it. Lovely easy mover, typey head, good mouth
2.Finlayson’s Sharjoy Melting Moment, of smaller type, very showy, sound in every respect, a nice type.
3.Hill’s Corralyn Jaemie Jitterbug
LB (9, 5abs)
1.Hill’s Caraideas Mirror Image, ultra feminine little lady, quite heavily marked but oh so pretty. Lovely head, dark eye, beautiful fringing and finish. Stylish mover. Very typey. Turned out beautifully, handled sympathetically.
2.Mcdonald’s Fortglen Shadow Dancer. Nicely marked bitch, well turned out. Ears a bit high set. Sound, if a bit erratic on the move. Very attentive to owner.
3. Taylor’s Pamhurst She’s a Lady.
OB (8) All present.
What a lovely class of quality bitches, a pleasure to judge.
1. Bruce&Bruce-Jackson’s Tijuana Georgia. Of beautiful type. Told me later she is half-sister to my BIS winner. Didn’t surprise me. She is of very similar type and quality. Fairly flowed round the ring. Commanded attention. Res.BBitch.
2.Smith’s Wee Lucy of Adinaken, shows when she wants to and when she does she is so eyecatching. Lovely type, Very dainty of the move. Prettiest of heads. Good reach of neck.
3.Macgregor’s Pyatshaw Silver Tassie
Spec.Beginners (2)
1. Northlyte That’ Ma Lot
2. Lees’ Raceburn Almost an Angel.
Spec.B/W or Tri D/B (5 ,1 abs)
1. Doig’s Jaylanjay Amalady. Was Res. in strong OB class. Lovely type, so sound throughout
2.Wilson’s Adinaken Wendys Whizz
Spec R/W – L/W- S/W D/B (3 , 1 abs)
1. Fraser’s Abbeyton Sunshine Boy
2. Montgomery’s Skyraider at Carrollryan.
Astrid K.Ogilvie, Judge