Wednesday, October 03, 2007


I brought the article on Portosystemic Shunt up from the Archive because it was requested.

But it hadn`t gone away. It was there all the time in the Archive.

Only 80 posts are visible on this site. The older ones are not dropped. They are available in the Archive......everything right back to December 2004. We never throw anything away !

How do you find them?

If you know the month of what you are searching for (say, a show) just click on that month and year in the Archive list (on the sidebar to the right) and you will find it.

If you don`t, use the search box. It is in the very top left hand corner and is labelled "Search this blog". Type in what you are looking for - say the name of a dog - and a result should come up.

This is not a difficult site to use, and a lot of information is stored on it !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

now I can look back and enjoy more papillon items. thank you